171 - 180 of 277 results
E-Newsletter November 7, 2006
10 Stories about Election '06<br />You Won't Learn from Polls
- Posted: November 3, 2006
- Categories: FairVote
FairVote and its long-time executive director Rob Richie will hold a news conference at 10 a.m. on November 6th at the Mott House on Capitol Hill to review and answer questions about ten stories about Election 2006 that the national polls - and many pundits - won't explain.
National Media Await Schwarzenegger Decision on Electoral College Reform Bill
- Posted: September 21, 2006
- Categories: FairVote
There was renewed attention today for the National Popular Vote campaign, which seeks to a national popular vote for President by passing state laws changing the way electors are chosen. A bill to give California's electoral votes to the nationwide vote winner passed both the House and Senate and awaits Gov. Schwarzenegger's signature.
E-Newsletter September 21, 2006
FairVote and the American Political Science Association Cosponsor Half-Day Course on the National Popular Vote Plan
- Posted: August 16, 2006
- Categories: FairVote
FairVote and the American Political Science Association’s Section on Representation and Electoral Systems will cosponsor a half-day course on the National Popular Vote Plan at APSA’s conference in Philadelphia. The course will take place from1:00 to 5:00 PM at the Friends Center, 1501 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, PA,and will include three panels covering the case against electoral college, the mechanics and current status of the National Popular Vote Plan, and the potential impact of the reform. Panelists will include FairVote’s Executive Director, Rob Richie and Director of the Presidential Elections Reform Program, Bill Shein, as well leading scholars on voting and representation in the United States.
E-Newsletter August 1, 2006
Instant Runoff Voting: Two Major Advances in 24 Hours
- Posted: July 20, 2006
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, FairVote
Instant runoff voting (IRV), the ranked choice voting method that generates majority winners in a single round of voting, has garnered rapidly rising support this year. On July 18, the city council of Oakland (CA) voted 6-2 to place IRV on the November 7th ballot, replacing their June primary and November runoff with one high turnout majority election in November.
Instant runoff voting passes North Carolina Senate
- Posted: July 19, 2006
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, FairVote
The North Carolina State Senate passed a bipartisan bill today to set up a pilot program for instant runoff voting (IRV) and to implement IRV for statewide elections to fill judicial office vacancies. The bill will now return to the House, which passed a similar bill in 2005, in order to reconcile the two versions.
Today Bipartisan Bill to Reform Redistricting
- Posted: July 18, 2006
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, FairVote
FairVote and Members of Congress will hold a press conference today for the Fairness and Independence in Redistrict Act, a bipartisan bill introduced in both the House and Senate to establish nationwide redistricting standards. The renewed push for legislation comes in the wake of the Supreme Court decision on the Texas gerrymandering case of 2003, which handed responsibility for political reform to Congress.
City Council Expected to Endorse an Early Primary for Washington, DC
- Posted: July 10, 2006
- Categories: FairVote
FairVote recently released the report, "Outside Looking In: How Shutting Washington DC out of the Presidential Primary Process Hurts Black and Urban America." The report details how the potential DNC move would be of major importance not just for Washington, but for black and urban voters across the country. Those two demographics are among the Democrats' most loyal constituencies, and moving them to the forefront of the nomination process would almost certainly change the political landscape for 2008 and beyond.