Content Categorized with "FairVote Research on Local Elections"
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Ranked Choice Voting and Racial Group Turnout
- Posted: November 2, 2015
- Author(s): Andrew Douglas
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Ranked Choice Voting in Bay Area Elections, FairVote Research on Local Elections, Research & Analysis, Home, FairVote, Voter Turnout, All Reports
A recent study on the impact of RCV in San Francisco presents some surprising findings on differences in turnout between racial groups that contradict previous research on the subject. In this report, we take a closer look at the study and find serious methodological flaws that cast doubt on its findings.
Don't Let Ferguson Turnout Numbers Fool You. America, We Have a Problem.
- Posted: April 9, 2015
- Author(s): Rob Richie
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, FairVote Research on Local Elections, Home, Universal Voter Registration, Voter Turnout
Voter turnout in city council elections in Ferguson (MO) increased, and its elected representation is more reflective of its citizenry. But it's not time to celebrate. Executive director Rob Richie analyzes this story as part of disturbing trend in local voter turnout.