FairVote Blog
Proportional apportionment vs. proportional representation
by Jack Santucci // May 25, 2007 // -
Open thread: Ranked voting activism
by Jack Santucci // May 28, 2007 // -
Texas Gov. Rejects Common Sense Reform
by , Adam Fogel // May 29, 2007 // -
Sorry, Iowa, but you don't make the cut this time around
by Laura Kirshner // May 30, 2007 // -
Ontario MMP video roundup
by Jack Santucci // May 31, 2007 // -
Bloomberg's Billions: A blessing in disguise?
by Laura Kirshner // June 6, 2007 // -
Turkey, women and PR lists
by Jack Santucci // June 6, 2007 // -
IRV Supporter Elected Aspen Mayor ??? FairVote's Moon on Aspen Public Radio
by Paul Fidalgo // June 7, 2007 // -
Democracy still safe in the Dorms
by Marc Tomik // June 11, 2007 // -
Florida Approves 16-year-old Advance Registration
by , Adam Fogel // June 12, 2007 //