FairVote Blog
Hamas' victory: It's the election system, stupid
February 7, 2006 // -
The political effects of Hurricane Katrina
February 8, 2006 // -
MercuryNews.com | Electoral vote fosters neglect of most states by candidates
by Jack Santucci // February 13, 2006 // -
Richie on ABC Radio
by Jack Santucci // February 17, 2006 // -
National Popular Vote launches direct Presidential election plan
February 23, 2006 // -
The research behind the plan: your state matters ever less in Presidential contests
February 23, 2006 // -
National Popular Vote means fewer recounts
by Chris Pearson // February 23, 2006 // -
National Popular Vote: On C-SPAN now
February 24, 2006 // -
National Popular Vote: The conversation continues
February 27, 2006 // -
Purging WA's voter rolls?
February 28, 2006 //