FairVote Blog
French Regional elections: With "proportional" system, the devil is in the details...
by Pauline Lejeune // April 27, 2010 //On March 14th and 21st, French voters elected their 26 regional councils. A main point of interest, beyond the results, is how the semi-proportional system used for the regional elections distorts the electoral dynamics, and how well represented women are.
Flawed Alternatives to the National Popular Vote Plan for Electoral Reform
by Neal Suidan // April 23, 2010 //While the National Popular Vote plan is the reform option with the most national attention and momentum, there are other options that have been presented for reform, most notably proportional allocation of electors and congressional district allocation. Both of these options are severly flawed.
Reality Check: the Evolution of the Way We Elect our President
by Neal Suidan // April 23, 2010 //Proponents of the system today rely on support for the current version of the Electoral College because "it is the way that it is and the way that is has been.” But the way we elect our president has been a continually developing process over the years since our nation’s formation.
"Presidential Elections" in Cyprus: Part 2
by Amanda Naldjieff // April 17, 2010 //"And the Candidates are… :: drum roll ::"
"Presidential Elections" in Cyprus (Series)
by Amanda Naldjieff // April 17, 2010 //"Wait! Cyprus has a President!"
President Obama Calls for DC Voting Rights
by Adam Fogel // April 16, 2010 //On Emancipation Day 2010, President Obama calls on Congress to give representation to the District of Columbia and improve the Home Rule Charter.
National Popular Vote: Repeal Efforts are a Flop
by Neal Suidan // April 16, 2010 //Opponents citing repeal efforts in the 5 states that have passed the NPV bill are exagerrating their support: none have made it out of committee.
Why FairVote Opposes California's Prop 14 - But Seeks Reform
by Rob Richie // April 16, 2010 //FairVote opposes California Prop. 14, but believes in reforming the system.
Iraq's 2010 Parliamentary Election — Part 6: De-Baathification Should Not Affect the Post-Election Political Balance
by Pauline Lejeune // March 31, 2010 //Iraq's post-election de-baathification jeopardizes the legitimacy of the March 7th election.
Iraq's 2010 Parliamentary Election — Part 5: Familiar Politicians, Redefined Alliances
by Pauline Lejeune // March 29, 2010 //The release of final results of the March 7th election by Iraq's Independent High Electoral commission officially started the process of forming a new cabinet.