YouTube Wants You to "Video Your Vote"

by , Adam Fogel // Published October 16, 2008
"YouTube and PBS have launched Video Your Vote, a project designed to shed light on Election Day in America through the eyes of voters like you. They are looking for videos that share perspectives from polling places across the country - both capturing the excitement and energy of the polls, as well as any problems that may arise -- like long lines or broken voting machines -- that could prevent citizens from exercising their right to vote.

Some of the best videos uploaded to the Video Your Vote channel will be showcased on PBS in the course of the station's election coverage. If you're interested, submit your Election Day video at Also, please tag all of your election day videos "videoyourvote" -- and if you witness or encounter anything problematic at the polls that is hindering the voting process, add the tag "pollproblem" so your video can be easily found."