Mercenary operatives attack election reform in Oakland
Jack Santucci
// Published October 31, 2006
Despite a round of endorsements by the California political establishment, Measure O to implement IRV and Prop. 89 to implement statewide public financing are under attack by rogue Democratic slate-mailer consultants.
By way of activists on the ground in Oakland:
What they have done is they have created a fake Democratic Party slate card and mailed it to thousands of Oakland voters saying vote NO on Measure O -- even though the Democratic Party has endorsed Measure O (the fake slate card also says vote No on Prop 89, the statewide measure for public financing of campaigns, even though the local Democratic Party has endorsed 89 and the state Dems are neutral). The fake slate card lists the originator as a shadowy independent expenditure committee called "Voter Information Guide" located in southern California. A Google and FPPC search reveals that this is one of those sleazy, for-profit, slate cards where they sell themselves to the highest bidder, and then pose as if it's coming from the Democratic Party. On the front side, which is in tri-color, are large letters saying "Voter Information Guide for Democrats." That is next to a fairly large photo of U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein and just above a photo of a bald eagle's head. It also says on the front side, "Evaluations and Recommendations by the Democratic Party." In fact, the San Diego Union Tribune did an article exposing this slate card, which during the June primary was mailed all over San Diego. If you're interested, you can read the article about that here...
[List of institutional and individual endorsers] [Oakland Tribune endorsement] [Ming Pao Daily endorsement] [Alameda Co. Democratic Party endorsement]