Aspen releases full results
Here are the numbers for the mayor's race
Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 FINAL % for candidates
Ireland 1090 (+1) 1091 (+27) 1118 (+155) 1273 52.8% Marks 877 (+1) 878 (+46) 924 (+216) 1140 47.2% Erspamer 421 (+5) 426 (+34) 460 (-460) x Kole 126 (+0) 126 (-126) x x Write In 14 (-14 ) x x x Exhausted (+7) 7 (+19) 26 (+89) 115
Total 2,528 2,528 2,528 2,528
The raw data from the city could use some explanation. Note that:
- The first page is the raw precinct counts for mayor and for 1st and 2nd choices for council, as broken out by ward (there are four wards) and two kinds of early votes (in person and by mail). Note that in Aspen's novel two-seat method of IRV for council, first and second choice rankings counted as equally weighted votes in the initial rouhnd.
- The second page shows the tally by TrueBallot, which conducted the second count. Note that True Ballot found that some ballots judged invalid by the precinct-based Diebold/Premier machines in fact were not invalid, providing a clear example of ongoing problems with our voting equipment. The end result is that its numbers are slightly higher in the round one tallies.
- The second page also shows the round by round results in the mayor's race and starts the results in the city council race with the combined totals in first and second choice rankings. Once those totals are known, all but the top four candidates are eliminated from consideration.
- The third page shows how the two council seats were decided. In the first round, there was an instant runoff voting Derek Johnson and Jack Johnson, who finished in the top two in first and choice rankings. For the second seat, there was an instant runoff between Torre and Michael Behrendt, who finished in the top two in frist and second choice rankings once Derek Johnson was eliminated.