Content Tagged with "Staff"
51 - 60 of 170 results
Fear, fact and fiction: Covering electoral reform in Ontario
- Posted: February 22, 2007
- Author(s): Jack Santucci
- Categories: Americas, Elections Worldwide
First Takoma Park IRV Election: Exit Poll
Why IRV is the Best Single Winner Method for Public Elections
Rob at Kent State
Top 10 quality of life countries use proportional voting
- Posted: November 29, 2006
- Author(s): Jack Santucci
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Elections Worldwide
Preliminary vote totals: What it took Dems to recapture the majority
The Results Are In and Electoral Reform Wins
- Posted: November 9, 2006
- Author(s): Emma Schwartz
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation
IRV looking good in Pierce County
Urban Political Legend: Karl Rove & the GOP's Famed 72-Hour GOTV Operation
The Real November Election Showdown: Howard Dean's 50-State Strategy vs. Rahm Emmanuel's Traditional Approach