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Italian Elections Expose Non-Proportional and Ineffective Voting System
- Posted: February 28, 2013
- Author(s): Sara Helmi, Devin McCarthy
- Categories: Europe, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, International Elections, Home, Elections Worldwide
In the aftermath of Italy's general election on February 25-26, outgoing Prime Minister Mario Monti asserted that "no country has such a bad electoral law as Italy." That may be an exaggeration, but there was plenty to be dissatisfied with in the election results.
FairVote Agrees: Preserve the Voting Rights Act
- Posted: February 27, 2013
- Author(s): Mollie Hailey
- Categories: Home, Voting Rights
The right to vote is essential for a truly representative democracy, and legislation implemented with widespread support in Congress to enhance this right, such as Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, should be upheld.
Not Helping America Vote: The Plight of the Un-filled Election Assistance Commission
- Posted: February 26, 2013
- Author(s): Elizabeth Hudler, Rob Richie
- Categories: Right to Vote Amendment, Home, FairVote
Creating an active EAC is a simple positive step – and one that happens to be the law. Reform should be about systemic, enduring solutions, not just shorter lines. #wehavetofixthat
The Role of Fair Voting Systems in the Shelby County Case
- Posted: February 21, 2013
- Author(s): Rob Richie, Drew Spencer
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Home, Voting Rights
On February 27, the U.S. Supreme Court will hold oral arguments in the case of Shelby County v. Holder, reviewing the constitutionality of Section 5 "preclearance" provisions of the Voting Rights Act. A largely overlooked part of the case is the fact that Section 5 was the reason that Calera, a growing city in Alabama's Shelby County just south of Birmingham, adopted one of the fair voting systems we recommend to uphold voting rights.
FairVote's Top Three Electoral College Stories of the Week, February 12 to February 19, 2013
- Posted: February 19, 2013
- Author(s): Andrea Levien
- Categories: Presidential Elections, National Popular Vote, Home
Tune in every week for FairVote's favorite news items on the Electoral College and National Popular Vote.
California and the Limits of Independent Redistricting Commissions with Winner-Take-All
- Posted: February 15, 2013
- Author(s): Devin McCarthy, Rob Richie
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Congressional Elections, Home, Redistricting
Independent redistricting continues to gain attention as the panacea for American congressional elections. But as the independent redistricting's performance in California shows, on its own it cannot resolve the most serious problems with our congressional elections. We need to combine independent redistricting with adoption of fair voting plans.
Geography as a Failed Unit of Representation: Why Fifty States of Equal Population Is No Solution for Presidential Elections
- Posted: February 15, 2013
- Author(s): Andrea Levien, Devin McCarthy, Rob Richie
- Categories: National Popular Vote, Presidential Elections, Congressional Elections, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Home
The idea of electing the president with a creative alternative map of the United States in which every state has equal population has drawn sympathetic support from Atlantic writer Jim Fallows. But uneven population of states has little to do with what's broken in presidential elections, just as equal population congressional districts leave us with broken U.S. House elections. We must free ourselves from geographic boundaries and go to the real meaning of one-person, one-vote with the National Popular Vote plan for president and fair voting for Congress.
Try Ranked Choice Voting!
- Posted: February 13, 2013
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Home
Whenever a race for governor has more than two candidates, more than half the voters can strongly oppose the "winner" in a traditional plurality system. To eliminate "spoilers" and embrace voter choice, a growing number of cities and colleges are moving to the instant runoff form of ranked choice voting (RCV). It's used to pick the Best Picture Oscar and is now under serious consideration for statewide elections.
FairVote's Top Three Electoral College Stories of the Week, February 6 to February 12, 2013
- Posted: February 12, 2013
- Author(s): Andrea Levien
- Categories: National Popular Vote, Presidential Elections, Home
Tune in every week for FairVote's favorite news items on the Electoral College and National Popular Vote.
Israeli Election Results Show Responsiveness of Proportional System
- Posted: January 24, 2013
- Author(s): Devin McCarthy
- Categories: Middle East and Africa, Home, International Elections, Elections Worldwide
As Tuesday's Israeli elections show, proportional representation systems guarantee that voters can change their government when they are unsatisfied with its performance.