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171 - 180 of 532 results
Help FairVote MN's Ranked Choice Voting Video Win Thousands of Dollars For Fairer Elections!
- Posted: May 15, 2013
- Author(s): Drew Spencer
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting in Bay Area Elections, Ranked Choice Voting, Reforms, Home
Today is the last day to show your support for ranked choice voting and FairVote Minnesota in the Looking@Democracy contest. Vote now!
Election Administration Under National Popular Vote: Simpler Than You Might Think
- Posted: May 15, 2013
- Author(s): Andrea Levien
- Categories: Presidential Elections, National Popular Vote, Home
Not only will the National Popular Vote plan make presidential elections fairer, but it will also maintain each state's autonomy in controlling its own elections.
How Districts Plus Has Worked for German Elections
- Posted: May 3, 2013
- Author(s): Rebecca Franklin, Devin McCarthy
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Home, International Elections, Elections Worldwide, Districts Plus
Despite a recent constitutional controversy, Germany's mixed member proportional representation system of elections remains one of the most effective in the world.
Winner-Take-All Elections Exacerbate Kenya's Ethnic Tensions
- Posted: May 2, 2013
- Author(s): Andrew Douglas, Sara Helmi
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Middle East and Africa, International Elections, Home, Elections Worldwide
Kenya's use of winner-take-all elections provides few incentives for inter-ethnic cooperation. Proportional representation could help bridge the country's ethnic divides.
FairVote's 2014 Congressional Analysis
- Posted: May 1, 2013
- Categories: Congressional Elections, Home
Every two years, FairVote conducts a thorough analysis of congressional elections, pointing out problems and making predictions in U.S. House of Representatives districts in all 50 states, that we call Monopoly Politics. We recently released our first projections for the 2014 congressional elections, including publishing a downloadable spreadsheet with partisanship data for every congressional district in the country. Check out the media coverage of our 2014 projections, our Monopoly Politics 2012 report, and our resources on the fair voting solution.
FairVote Maps the 2012 Presidential Campaign
- Posted: April 30, 2013
- Author(s): Andrea Levien
- Categories: Presidential Elections, National Popular Vote, Home
Check out FairVote's new Google Map, which shows in detail when and where the presidential and vice presidential candidates held events during the fall campaign. The distribution may surprise you.
FairVote's Top Ten List: The Breakdown of Winner-Take-All Elections
- Posted: April 26, 2013
- Author(s): Andrea Levien, Devin McCarthy, Rob Richie
- Categories: National Popular Vote, Presidential Elections, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Congressional Elections, Home
These are the top ten indicators that winner-take-all has led to the breakdown of the American electoral system in both presidential and legislative elections.
Remembering Bob Edgar
- Posted: April 23, 2013
- Author(s): Cynthia Terrell
- Categories: Home, Universal Voter Registration
FairVote is saddened by the death of Common Cause president Bob Edgar, a tireless advocate for peace, justice, and democracy.
Taking on American Political Dysfunction without Changing the Constitution
- Posted: April 23, 2013
- Author(s): Devin McCarthy, Rob Richie
- Categories: Congressional Elections, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Home
In his draft paper on Political Dysfunction and Constitutional Change, University of California-Irvine professor Rick Hasen makes a powerful case for the need for out-of-the-box thinking on American political reform. But he also makes a curious omission: fair voting.
Electoral Reform on the Move in Canada
- Posted: April 16, 2013
- Author(s): Devin McCarthy
- Categories: Americas, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, International Elections, Home, Elections Worldwide
From a poll showing widespread support for proportional representation to the Liberal Party leadership elections held using ranked choice voting to the growing movement for ranked choice voting in Toronto, things are looking up for electoral reform in Canada.