Content Authored by Paul Fidalgo
41 - 50 of 67 results
California Assembly Unanimously Passes Ranked Ballots for Overseas Voters
Connecticut House Passes NPV
Cary Voters Sing the Praises of IRV
Nomination by Attrition
FairVote Announces Upgrade Democracy Video Contest Finalists!
The Senate Loses its Cool: The Undemocratic Ways States Fill Senate Vacancies
Of Campaigns and Crosswords: Pluralities as Poor Political Reflections
The Primaries' Premature Nomination Problem
- Posted: September 28, 2007
- Author(s): Paul Fidalgo
- Categories: Presidential Nominations Reform
Barry Bonds, Blast-offs and Ballots: What the Fate of a Baseball Teaches Us about Voting
The President of Everyone? Crucial Issues Suffer when Most Voters Don't Matter