Content Authored by Paul Fidalgo
1 - 10 of 67 results
For Oscar Nominations, 'Choice' is Clear
- Posted: January 29, 2010
- Author(s): Paul Fidalgo
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Home, FairVote
We here at FairVote are probably a little more interested in the Oscars than most think tanks in DC. Sure, we like movies as much as anyone else, but there's one aspect of the awards that particularly sparks our interest: the Academy's voting system!
So Long, and Thanks for All the Electoral Votes
- Posted: January 13, 2010
- Author(s): Paul Fidalgo
- Categories: National Popular Vote, Home, FairVote
Two years ago today, Gov. Corzine signed into law New Jersey's participation in the National Popular Vote plan.
Democrats to Shepherd States in Primaries?
- Posted: January 13, 2010
- Author(s): Paul Fidalgo
- Categories: Home, FairVote, Presidential Nominations Reform
A new interview reveals that the DNC Change Commission is recommending that presidential primaries go regional.
The Value of IRV to the GOP
- Posted: January 12, 2010
- Author(s): Paul Fidalgo
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, FairVote
The rise of the Tea Party movement could spell trouble for Republicans due to plurality rules in elections. As many progressives embraced IRV after the Nader-Gore split, so should the GOP take a serious look at backing instant runoff voting.
The Nation's Katrina Vanden Heuvel Congratulates FairVote's 'Sweet Victories'
- Posted: January 8, 2010
- Author(s): Paul Fidalgo
- Categories: U.S. Senate Vacancy Elections, Home, FairVote
FairVote got a very flattering shout-out from Nation editor Katrina Vanden Heuvel in her blog today.
Nebraska's Pesky Extra Electoral Vote
- Posted: January 8, 2010
- Author(s): Paul Fidalgo
- Categories: National Popular Vote, Home, FairVote
Nebraska State Senator Beau McCoy has introduced legislation to bring unity to his state. No, not by building bridges and roads and other infrastructure, nor in the sense of a coming-together of minds and intentions. Rather, Sen. McCoy is angling to retrieve something very special that many Republicans feel belongs to them: An electoral vote.
Ocean State Un-Vetoes Electoral Reform
- Posted: January 7, 2010
- Author(s): Paul Fidalgo
- Categories: U.S. Senate Vacancy Elections, Universal Voter Registration, FairVote
This past Tuesday, FairVote and its friends in America's most wee state were very happy, as the state legislature reversed the vetoes of two bills close to our hearts: pre-registration and U.S. Senate vacancies.
Super No More
- Posted: January 7, 2010
- Author(s): Paul Fidalgo
- Categories: Home, FairVote, Presidential Nominations Reform
The Democratic National Committee's Change Commission, charged with finding ways to improve and reform the party's presidential nomination process, has released its recommendations, and while they are not nearly as sweeping as we would prefer, there is one particular change that will further democratize the process--should the party adopt the recommendations.
Oakland OKs IRV
- Posted: January 6, 2010
- Author(s): Paul Fidalgo
- Categories: Home, FairVote
The city council of Oakland, California overwhelmingly voted on January 5 to adopt instant runoff voting for its mayoral and council elections next year. Voting 6-2, the council is enacting a 2006 voter-approved mandate to implement the reform, a measure that won 69% support.
R.I. Gov. Thinks 0.0001% Turnout for U.S. Senate Elections is Just Fine
- Posted: November 10, 2009
- Author(s): Paul Fidalgo
- Categories: U.S. Senate Vacancy Elections, Home, FairVote
Shocking no one but disappointing many, Rhode Island's Gov. Carcieri vetoed legislation that would have mandated a special election in the case of a vacancy in one of the state's U.S. Senate seats.