Content Authored by Adam Fogel
31 - 40 of 67 results
Uniformity in Election Administration: A 2008 Survey of Swing State County Clerks--Virginia Edition
- Posted: October 20, 2008
- Author(s): Adam Fogel, Allison McNeely
- Categories: FairVote
The Democracy SOS Project aims to increase transparency in election administration and to monitor the actions of election officials, starting with Secretaries of State. This series reports the results of surveys of county clerks in 10 "swing states" during the 2008 presidential election. FairVote staff and interns surveyed nearly every county clerk in Missouri, New Mexico, Colorado, Pennsylvania and Virginia, as well as election officials in counties with at least 500,000 residents in Ohio, Florida, Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin. -
New Report Shows Virginia May Have Election Day Problems
YouTube Wants You to "Video Your Vote"
Uniformity in Election Administration: A 2008 Survey of Swing State County Clerks--Colorado Edition
- Posted: October 6, 2008
- Author(s): Adam Fogel, Allison McNeely, Daniel Weaver
- Categories: FairVote
The Democracy SOS Project aims to increase transparency in election administration and to monitor the actions of election officials, starting with Secretaries of State. This series reports the results of surveys of county clerks in 10 "swing states" during the 2008 presidential election. FairVote staff and interns surveyed nearly every county clerk in Missouri, New Mexico, Colorado, Pennsylvania and Virginia, as well as election officials in counties with at least 500,000 residents in Ohio, Florida, Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin. -
Colorado May Have Election Day Problems
New FairVote Report Gives New Mexico Elections Mixed Review
- Posted: September 8, 2008
- Author(s): , Adam Fogel
- Categories: Americas, Elections Worldwide
Uniformity in Election Administration: A 2008 Survey of Swing State County Clerks--New Mexico Edition
- Posted: September 4, 2008
- Author(s): Adam Fogel, Daniel Weaver
- Categories: FairVote
The Democracy SOS Project aims to increase transparency in election administration and to monitor the actions of election officials, starting with Secretaries of State. This series reports the results of surveys of county clerks in 10 "swing states" during the 2008 Presidential Election. FairVote staff and interns surveyed nearly every county clerk in Missouri, New Mexico, Colorado, Pennsylvania and Virginia, as well as election officials in counties with at least 500,000 residents in Ohio, Florida, Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin. -
Uniformity in Election Administration: A 2008 Survey of Swing State County Clerks--Missouri Edition
- Posted: August 28, 2008
- Author(s): Adam Fogel, Allison McNeely
- Categories: FairVote
The Democracy SOS Project is aimed to increase transparency in election administration and monitor actions of election officials, starting with Secretaries of State. This report is a compilation of the results of surveying county clerks in 10 "swing states" during the 2008 presidential election. FairVote staff and interns surveyed nearly every county clerk in Missouri, New Mexico, Colorado and Pennsylvania, as well as election officials in counties with at least 500,000 residents in Ohio, Florida, Minnesota, Michigan, Virginia and Wisconsin. -
New Study: Missouri May Experience Long Lines in November
NYTimes Features Upcoming FairVote Report