Content Categorized with "Voter Turnout"
1 - 10 of 11 results
Ranked Choice Voting and Racial Group Turnout
- Posted: November 2, 2015
- Author(s): Andrew Douglas
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Ranked Choice Voting in Bay Area Elections, FairVote Research on Local Elections, Research & Analysis, Home, FairVote, Voter Turnout, All Reports
A recent study on the impact of RCV in San Francisco presents some surprising findings on differences in turnout between racial groups that contradict previous research on the subject. In this report, we take a closer look at the study and find serious methodological flaws that cast doubt on its findings.
Comparative Structural Reform
- Posted: August 31, 2015
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, National Popular Vote, Presidential Elections, Reforms, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Research & Analysis, Home, Redistricting, Voter Turnout, All Reports, Districts Plus
Comparative Structural Reform presents an extensive assessment of the potential impact of 37 structural reforms to election laws and legislative structures in collaboration with 14 prominent political scholars. Scholars participating in the project are authorities on electoral reform and legislative functionality, with extensive collective expertise and mastery of both quantitative and qualitative approaches to the study of American legislatures, elections and electoral rules. Each of the participating scholars was asked to assess each reform’s impact on 16 different criteria fitting within four topline categories: legislative functionality, electoral accountability, voter engagement, and openness of process. Scholars were compensated for their participation. All scholars responded to all eleven surveys and provided a wealth of insightful comments, new sources, and useful information in addition to their well-considered ratings of each reform.
Don't Let Ferguson Turnout Numbers Fool You. America, We Have a Problem.
- Posted: April 9, 2015
- Author(s): Rob Richie
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, FairVote Research on Local Elections, Home, Universal Voter Registration, Voter Turnout
Voter turnout in city council elections in Ferguson (MO) increased, and its elected representation is more reflective of its citizenry. But it's not time to celebrate. Executive director Rob Richie analyzes this story as part of disturbing trend in local voter turnout.
Louisiana's New Voter Pre-Registration Law Features Automatic Registration
- Posted: July 11, 2014
- Author(s): Rebecca Hellmich, Rebecca Hellmich
- Categories: Research & Analysis, Redistricting, FairVote, Voter Turnout, Voter Preregistration
Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal in May signed a law establishing voting pre-registration for 16-year-olds. The law features an innovative "opt-out" approach to voter registration that will further boost registration and participation. Louisiana has a history of such innovative election policy.
What's the Matter with California Turnout?
- Posted: July 10, 2014
- Author(s): Duncan Hosie, Rob Richie
- Categories: Reforms, Home, Voter Turnout
California experienced record low voter turnout in the recent primary election, but adopting FairVote's four electoral reforms can help increase participation.
World Cup of Democracy Goes to the Netherlands
- Posted: July 8, 2014
- Author(s): Nicholas Golden, Bogdan Popescu, Anthony Ramicone
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, International Elections, Voter Turnout, Elections Worldwide
While the FIFA World Cup will decide the best soccer team in the world, the World Cup of Democracy will decide the best democracy in the world. See how the tournament played out after the jump.
Reformer: Is Your State Representative? See Where Your State Stands.
- Posted: June 16, 2014
- Categories: Cumulative Voting, Home, Voter Turnout
FairVote’s research team just updated Monopoly Politics’ state profiles. This report pinpoints shortcomings of winner-take-all elections and proposes a roadmap for a better democracy with fair representation voting. Its 50-state analysis assesses each state’s representational makeup and compares them with FairVote’s fair representation voting plans.Take a look to see where your state stands.
Intern Spotlight: Jessica Kincaid
- Posted: June 16, 2014
- Author(s): Kincaid Jessica
- Categories: Home, Voting Rights, Voter Turnout
Meet Jess.
Voter Turnout Lags in America's 22 Largest Cities
- Posted: June 13, 2014
- Author(s): Jessica Kincaid
- Categories: Voter Turnout
Mayors of nearly half of America’s 22 largest cities were elected by fewer than one in five registered voters – and in two of these cities more than nine in ten registered voters stayed home.
Massachusetts Expands Voting Rights
- Posted: June 13, 2014
- Author(s): , Nicholas Golden
- Categories: Voting Rights, Voter Turnout, Voter Preregistration
Massachusetts has taken a big step into the 21st century by reforming its voting laws and practices.