Content Categorized with "Ranked Choice Voting"
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Help FairVote MN's Ranked Choice Voting Video Win Thousands of Dollars For Fairer Elections!
- Posted: May 15, 2013
- Author(s): Drew Spencer
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting in Bay Area Elections, Ranked Choice Voting, Reforms, Home
Today is the last day to show your support for ranked choice voting and FairVote Minnesota in the Looking@Democracy contest. Vote now!
Try Ranked Choice Voting!
- Posted: February 13, 2013
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Home
Whenever a race for governor has more than two candidates, more than half the voters can strongly oppose the "winner" in a traditional plurality system. To eliminate "spoilers" and embrace voter choice, a growing number of cities and colleges are moving to the instant runoff form of ranked choice voting (RCV). It's used to pick the Best Picture Oscar and is now under serious consideration for statewide elections.
When Barack Obama Was a Leader in Seeking Fair Voting Systems
- Posted: December 20, 2012
- Author(s): Rob Richie, Drew Spencer
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Congressional Elections, Home, FairVote
President Barack Obama has a lot on his mind these days, but the state of our democracy remains critical. Fortunately, judging by Obama's record in the Illinois Senate --where he was the prime sponsor of legislation to advance cumulative voting and instant runoff voting - we haven't had a president as informed about good ideas for taking on electoral reform since James Madison and the founding generation.
FairVote's First Take on RCV Elections in Four Bay Area Cities
- Posted: November 12, 2012
- Author(s): Mollie Hailey, Rob Richie
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Ranked Choice Voting in Bay Area Elections, Home
Ballots for Tuesday’s ranked choice voting (RCV) elections in four cities in the Bay Area are still being counted, but it is clear that RCV has again worked well. FairVote found that voters used the system effectively, election officials were smart to make it a true "instant runoff" and candidates of color again were elected in high numbers.
New Report Analyzes the Effect of Top Two in Washington State
- Posted: October 25, 2012
- Author(s): Drew Spencer
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Home
The Top Two primary system has drawn increasing attention as a way to reform our elections. Instead of conducting ordinary partisan primaries, Top Two jurisdictions run an open preliminary in which all candidates run against each other irrespective of party label. Then, the two candidates who receive the most votes run against each other again in the general election. In a new report, FairVote takes a "just the facts" approach to how Top Two has operated in Washington State since 2008.
FairVote Report: Low Turnout Plagues U.S. Mayoral Elections, but San Francisco is Highest
- Posted: October 24, 2012
- Author(s): Devin McCarthy, Rob Richie
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Home
A new dataset compiled by FairVote reveals that low voter turnout is pervasive in recent mayoral elections in the 22 largest U.S. cities.
Putin's United Russia Wins Resounding Victories in Local Elections
- Posted: October 18, 2012
- Author(s): Sara Helmi, Devin McCarthy
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Europe, International Elections, Home, Elections Worldwide
As the results of Russia's October 14 local elections show, the rumors of United Russia's death have been greatly exaggerated. But did Vladimir Putin's party manipulate Russia's electoral laws to keep power?
Revealing Evidence of Who Votes — and Who Doesn't — in Local Elections
- Posted: September 27, 2012
- Author(s): Stephen Mortellaro, Rob Richie
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Home
Demographic data reveals interesting trends in voter turnout in the recent Takoma Park election using instant runoff voting.
Todd Akin and Non-Majority Rule
- Posted: August 24, 2012
- Author(s): Patricia Hart
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Congressional Elections, Home
Having just completed his 6th term in the U.S. House, Republican Todd Akin is widely known as Missouri's controversial Senate candidate. As the media scorns his comments about rape and pregnancy, many wonder how Akin came to office in the first place, which presents an opportunity to step back and examine the system that put him in power. What have we got here? A case of plurality voting and the unrepresentative legislator.
North Carolina's Miniscule Runoff Turnout Undercuts Legitimacy
- Posted: July 24, 2012
- Author(s): Devin McCarthy
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Home
A higher percentage of Americans believe in vampires than voted in North Carolina's July 17th primary runoff for nominations for Congress and key statewide offices. Unless North Carolina wants to risk a vampire or a similarly extreme candidate winning an election, it needs to change its runoff system. Instant runoff voting is the solution.