Content Categorized with "Fair Voting/Proportional Representation"
71 - 80 of 199 results
International Women's Day: Time for Political Equality
- Posted: March 8, 2012
- Author(s): Lindsey Needham
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Home, FairVote, Elections Worldwide
Today, March 8th, is International Women's Day! As we honor the accomplishments of women all over the world, FairVote takes a moment to investigate the lack of women in political office. What can we do to increase women's representation?
Happy 200th Birthday to the "Gerry-mander"
- Posted: February 17, 2012
- Author(s): Tyler Sadonis
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Home, Redistricting, FairVote
Saturday February 11, 2012 marked the 200th birthday of the "Gerry-mander." With 2012 redistricting plans taking shape, gerrymandering continues to be prevalent. FairVote advocates for an alternative reform to fundamentally change the way we draw district boundaries.
FairVote Tracks GOP Primaries: Understanding Proportional Representation in NH
- Posted: January 12, 2012
- Author(s): FairVote
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Home
The New Hampshire GOP allocates its delegates proportionally. How exactly do they allocate their delegates? And, how do different methods change the results?
Texas Redistricting in the Hands of the Supreme Court Yet Again
- Posted: January 9, 2012
- Author(s): Lindsey Needham
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Home, Redistricting
Today, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments for three cases pertaining to Texas redistricting. In recent decades, Texas has been unable to pass a congressional redistricting plan with paying a visit to the high court. With a redistricting process that forces partisan interests to battle racial minority communities for power over a district's single seat, there is little surprise regarding these recurring controversies.
Was the Iowa Caucuses' Real Winner Not in the Race?
- Posted: January 4, 2012
- Author(s): Rob Richie
- Categories: Reforms, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Home
Last night, as the numbers rolled in from Iowa, cable news shows pundits analyzed the numbers in almost every way humanly possible – with particular obsession with who was going to “win.” But the media just may have missed the biggest winner: a candidate who wasn’t seeking Iowa votes last night.
No More Gerrymanders: Congressional Representation in the Seven At-Large States
- Posted: January 3, 2012
- Author(s): Fair Voting Plans, Sheahan Virgin
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Home, Redistricting, Monopoly Politics 2012 Map, All Reports
Though spared the controversies of congressional redistricting, winner-take-all rules still plague the seven at-large states (Alaska, Delaware, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming). Nowhere are the shortcomings of our voting system more acute than in at-large winner-take-all races, where one individual is - rather astonishingly - responsible for representing the political and demographic diversity of an entire state. Read our latest critique of winner-take-all elections and our analysis of congressional elections in these at-large states.
PR Proposal For California: Interview with Michael Latner
- Posted: October 26, 2011
- Author(s): Krist Novoselic
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, FairVote
Prof. Michael S. Latner recently published a paper this year on proportional representation in California. He summarized the importance of replacing winner-take-all with a fair voting system: "This speaks to the question of genuine reform versus sort of superficial reform. If we had moderate Republicans elected from the most populous areas of the state and more moderate Democrats coming from central valley and the mountain regions, then you would see a genuine change in the partisan composition of the legislature; because they would be representing people who right now aren’t being represented in the legislature. It would be more genuine reform."
No More Gerrymanders: Illinois' Partisan Plan versus the Fair Voting Alternative
- Posted: October 19, 2011
- Author(s): Lindsey Needham, Fair Voting Plans, Sheahan Virgin
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Home, Redistricting, Monopoly Politics 2012 Map
Check out our latest findings in the fair voting plan series. Illinois goes from 14 gerrymandered congressional districts to 4 super-districts.
Maryland Gerrymander Triggers Support for Fair Voting
- Posted: October 18, 2011
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Home, Redistricting
The Maryland state senate today passed a proposed map for congressional redistricting that has been highly controversial for its gerrymandered district lines and disputes involving partisanship and race. State Senator Jamie Raskin, a constitutional law professor and former FairVote board member, made a well-received floor speech arguing that the best way to address the problem in the future was to put voters in charge over their representation. Raskin shared FairVote's plan for fair voting in super-districts with three and five members that would lead to nearly every voter being able to elect a favorite candidate.
FairVote is drawing such plans for all states in the nation. They could be established for congressional elections by repealing a 1967 law requiring winner-take-all districts.* Baltimore Sun on Sen. Raskin's speech* The congressional map as passed state senate* Example of Fair Voting plans for Ohio and North Carolina* Commentary from FairVote's Rob Richie and Krist Novoselic -
Update: Lebanon Discusses Adopting Proportional Representation
- Posted: August 22, 2011
- Author(s): Yasmeen Gholmieh, Arab Spring Series
- Categories: Reforms, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Middle East and Africa, Home, Elections Worldwide
The Arab Spring movement has influenced Lebanon differently than many of its neighbors. Unlike nations like Syria and Yemen, there aren't street protests. Rather, the turmoil in the country is within the Parliament, not the people themselves.