Content Categorized with "Fair Voting/Proportional Representation"
31 - 40 of 199 results
To Avoid More Government Shutdowns, We Need Ranked Choice Voting for Congress
- Posted: October 18, 2013
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Home
The government shut down because our winner-take-all system elected a polarized Congress with no incentive to compromise. To end the cycle of government-by-crisis and elect a more representative Congress, we need ranked choice voting in multi-seat districts for Congress.
Proportional Representation in Trinidad and Tobago
- Posted: October 17, 2013
- Author(s): Matt DeWilde
- Categories: Americas, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, International Elections, Home, Elections Worldwide
Trinidad and Tobago has always elected its legislature using a winner-take-all system, but a new bill is bringing proportional representation to the island nation.
Blame It on Winner-Take-All: Why Our Outdated Voting Rules Cause Congressional Crises
- Posted: October 1, 2013
- Author(s): Devin McCarthy, Rob Richie
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Congressional Elections, Home
The United States Congress has careened into a government shutdown, and everybody wants to find someone to blame. But in the accusatory frenzy, they're missing the real culprit: the voting rules that drive the political behavior of Congress.
Republican Food Stamp Defectors Driven by Partisanship
- Posted: September 20, 2013
- Author(s): Devin McCarthy
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Congressional Elections, Home
Another contentious House vote; another outcome determined by the partisanship of congressional districts.
Ranked Choice Voting and Australia's Upcoming Elections: A Primer
- Posted: August 30, 2013
- Author(s): Andrew Douglas
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Research & Analysis, Asia and Oceania, Home, International Elections, FairVote, Elections Worldwide
In September 7th's Australian national election, ranked choice voting will allow voters to choose from a wide range of electoral options while eliminating concerns over "spoilers" and wasted votes.
Zimbabwe: Fairer Election Methods, but Trouble at the Polls
- Posted: August 19, 2013
- Author(s): Andrew Douglas, Matt Sommerfeld
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Middle East and Africa, Research & Analysis, International Elections, Home, FairVote, Elections Worldwide
The addition of proportionally allocated seats in Zimbabwe's parliament is a positive development, but one that has been overshadowed by concerns over the legitimacy of recent elections.
Multi-Member Districts Help New Hampshire Elect All the Women it Wants
- Posted: August 9, 2013
- Author(s): Devin McCarthy
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Home
In New Hampshire's large multi-member districts, voters have the ability to vote for gender parity - and they do.
Choice Voting vs. The Challengers: The Irish Convention on the Constitution Decides
- Posted: August 7, 2013
- Author(s): Robert Fekete, Devin McCarthy
- Categories: Europe, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Home, International Elections, Elections Worldwide, Districts Plus
The Irish Constitutional Convention was tasked with finding the best electoral system for Ireland, and all options were on the table. They decided to stick with the choice voting form of fair representation, with only 3 percent preferring U.S.-style single-member districts.
Moderates Nearly Extinct in the U.S. House
- Posted: August 7, 2013
- Author(s): Andrew Douglas
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Congressional Elections, Research & Analysis, Home, FairVote, Monopoly Politics 2012 Map
While many Americans describe themselves as ideological moderates, centrists have become increasingly rare in the House of Representatives, where their decline has contributed to congressional dysfunction and polarization. The pace of the decline of House moderates over the last forty years has been remarkable.
Fair Representation Voting Explained
- Posted: August 2, 2013
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Congressional Elections, Home
Learn more about why Congress is broken and the fair representation voting solution with FairVote's new Fixing Democracy infographics series.