Content Categorized with "Fair Voting/Proportional Representation"
11 - 20 of 199 results
Ethnic Minorities and Proportional Representation in Myanmar
- Posted: September 5, 2014
- Author(s): Sarah John
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Asia and Oceania, Home
Having tentatively thrust off their military dictatorship, Myanmar actively debates adopting Proportional Representation for its legislature.
(Photo Credit: Htoo Tay Zar, Wikicommons)
FairVote Reforms are Hitting the Newsstands
- Posted: August 21, 2014
- Author(s): , Rebecca Hellmich
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, National Popular Vote, Congressional Elections, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Home
Fair representation voting and ranked choice systems received significant media attention this month, with several notable publications featuring FairVote’s work and running expert commentary by FairVote staff and allies. Here are some of the highlights.
Fair Voting in California - Will Santa Barbara Join Santa Clarita?
- Posted: August 8, 2014
- Author(s): Drew Spencer
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Cumulative Voting, Home, FairVote, All Reports
In July, the city of Santa Barbara became the most recent in a string of California cities being sued under the California Voting Rights Act for diluting the votes of their Latino population. By electing candidates at-large with fair voting, Santa Barbara could remedy any alleged vote dilution in a race neutral way, avoid the pitfalls of redistricting, and encourage the equitable election of women.
FairVote Proposes Solutions to Florida's Congressional Redistricting Dilemma in 2014
- Posted: August 8, 2014
- Author(s): Devin McCarthy , Rob Richie
- Categories: Congressional Elections, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Research & Analysis, Home, Redistricting, Voting Rights
Florida is facing an electoral quandary as two of its congressional districts have been found to violate the state constitution, and the legislature is redrawing the maps as November elections loom. The legislature does not want to use the new map in 2014, but FairVote's analysis outlines two plans that could resolve the crisis. The better of these plans would also improve the representation of Florida voters in the process.
World Cup of Democracy Goes to the Netherlands
- Posted: July 8, 2014
- Author(s): Nicholas Golden, Bogdan Popescu, Anthony Ramicone
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, International Elections, Voter Turnout, Elections Worldwide
While the FIFA World Cup will decide the best soccer team in the world, the World Cup of Democracy will decide the best democracy in the world. See how the tournament played out after the jump.
Fix the Top Two Primary: Admirable Goals Don’t Justify Indefensible Outcomes
- Posted: June 11, 2014
- Author(s): Anthony Ramicone, Rob Richie, Drew Spencer
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Congressional Elections, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation
California on June 3rd held its primary elections, which are conducted using a "top two" format. In this analysis, we assess the impact of top two and provide a solution for a way forward.
Unorthodox Results in Iowa Primaries Make the Case for Ranked Choice Voting
- Posted: June 5, 2014
- Author(s): Anthony Ramicone
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Congressional Elections, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Home
Iowa's primaries created distorted outcomes that show exactly why states need to consider ranked choice voting.
The Grimm Reality for New York City Republicans
- Posted: May 30, 2014
- Author(s): Devin McCarthy
- Categories: Congressional Elections, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Home
There are over 400,000 Republican voters in New York City. But after this year's midterm election, they may be without a representative in Congress.
The 2014 Primaries: Why They Matter, What’s Wrong With Them, and How to Fix Them
- Posted: May 20, 2014
- Categories: FairVote Reformer E-Newsletters, Congressional Elections, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, FairVote
The 2014 primary season is well underway. Seven states and the District of Columbia have already held their primaries, with six more voting today, and many more will be holding primaries over the next few weeks. Primaries typically get little coverage, but they are one of the most important – and problematic – aspects of the American electoral system.
A Better Approach to Voting Rights Act Cases
- Posted: May 5, 2014
- Author(s): Rais Akbar
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Home, Voting Rights
The Voting Rights Act has been critical for protecting voting rights since its passage in 1965. But as a recent case in Texas shows, preconditions that assume the use of single-member districts prevent the VRA from being used to its full effect.