Content Categorized with "Europe"
31 - 40 of 60 results
French Regional elections: With "proportional" system, the devil is in the details...
- Posted: April 27, 2010
- Author(s): Pauline Lejeune
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Europe, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Home, Elections Worldwide
On March 14th and 21st, French voters elected their 26 regional councils. A main point of interest, beyond the results, is how the semi-proportional system used for the regional elections distorts the electoral dynamics, and how well represented women are.
"Presidential Elections" in Cyprus: Part 2
- Posted: April 17, 2010
- Author(s): Amanda Naldjieff
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Europe, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Research & Analysis, Home, Elections Worldwide
"And the Candidates are… :: drum roll ::"
"Presidential Elections" in Cyprus (Series)
- Posted: April 17, 2010
- Author(s): Amanda Naldjieff
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Europe, Research & Analysis, Home, Elections Worldwide
"Wait! Cyprus has a President!"
Cleaning up politics: the UK to use alternative voting?
- Posted: February 10, 2010
- Author(s): Pauline Lejeune
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Europe, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Home, Elections Worldwide
In the context of major distrust by British citizens of their almost 800 year-old democracy and their politicians, Gordon Brown proposed on February 2nd, in a speech at the Institute for Public Policy Research, to get rid of the UK’s “first-past-the-post” voting system.
U.S.-style primaries are inspiring the French Socialist Party
- Posted: October 14, 2009
- Author(s): Pauline Lejeune
- Categories: Europe, Home, Elections Worldwide
British prime minister pledges national referendum on IRV - Poll shows support
- Posted: October 11, 2009
- Author(s): Rob Richie
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Europe, Elections Worldwide
Germany's federal parliament: fair and accurate representation
- Posted: September 30, 2009
- Author(s): Pauline Lejeune
- Categories: Europe, Research & Analysis, Home, Elections Worldwide
Moldova's Democratic Pangs
Bulgaria and Reform: The Case Against Immunity
UK European Elections: Would First-Past-the-Post Really be a Better Choice?