Content Categorized with "Elections Worldwide"
71 - 80 of 150 results
Does mandatory voting restrict or expand democracy?
- Posted: October 18, 2010
- Author(s): Wael Abdel Hamid
- Categories: Elections Worldwide
Does mandatory voting restrict or expand democracy? For many people who have never heard about the idea, mandatory voting sounds very strict: requiring people to go to the polls on Election Day. In the United States, it seems strange to present an action many consider a right as a required duty. Nevertheless, in many foreign countries, mandatory voting (sometimes referred to as compulsory voting) is an obvious democratic option.
Brazil's Presidential Hopefuls Face Runoff, National Congress Needs Reform
- Posted: October 14, 2010
- Author(s): Andy Andrianantoandro
- Categories: Americas, Elections Worldwide
On October 31st, a runoff will take place in Brazil’s presidential election. The leading candidate, Dilma Rousseff of the Worker’s Party (PT), failed to gain the 50% majority needed during the first round on October 3rd with just 47%.
Mayoral Elections in Paris: Lessons from its Electoral College-type system
- Posted: August 9, 2010
- Author(s): Jules Leconte
- Categories: Europe, Home, Elections Worldwide
Although France elects its president in high turnout national popular vote elections, its three largest cities, Paris, Marseille and Lyon elect their mayors in a way that is strikingly similar to how American presidents are elected.
Australia to Hold National Instant Runoff Voting Elections on August 21
- Posted: August 5, 2010
- Author(s): Cathy Le
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Asia and Oceania, Elections Worldwide
Just three weeks after becoming Australia’s first female prime minister, Julia Gillard announced national elections would be held on August 21, 2010.
"Presidential Elections" in Cyprus: Part 4
- Posted: May 6, 2010
- Author(s): Amanda Naldjieff
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Europe, Research & Analysis, Home, Elections Worldwide
"...And the Results Are In!"
"Presidential Elections" in Cyprus: Part 3
- Posted: May 6, 2010
- Author(s): Amanda Naldjieff
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Europe, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Research & Analysis, Home, Elections Worldwide
"How Does an "Election" within an Unrecognized State SIgnificantly Affect the International Community?"
Iraq's 2010 Parliamentary Election — Part 7: Politics Blowing Up Democracy
- Posted: April 29, 2010
- Author(s): Pauline Lejeune
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Middle East and Africa, Research & Analysis, Home, FairVote, Elections Worldwide
Pauline Lejeune is analyzing the post-election situation in Iraq.
French Regional elections: With "proportional" system, the devil is in the details...
- Posted: April 27, 2010
- Author(s): Pauline Lejeune
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Europe, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Home, Elections Worldwide
On March 14th and 21st, French voters elected their 26 regional councils. A main point of interest, beyond the results, is how the semi-proportional system used for the regional elections distorts the electoral dynamics, and how well represented women are.
"Presidential Elections" in Cyprus: Part 2
- Posted: April 17, 2010
- Author(s): Amanda Naldjieff
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Europe, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Research & Analysis, Home, Elections Worldwide
"And the Candidates are… :: drum roll ::"
"Presidential Elections" in Cyprus (Series)
- Posted: April 17, 2010
- Author(s): Amanda Naldjieff
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Europe, Research & Analysis, Home, Elections Worldwide
"Wait! Cyprus has a President!"