Content Categorized with "Elections Worldwide"
131 - 140 of 150 results
Ontario MMP vote hits U.S. blogosphere
Turkey, women and PR lists
- Posted: June 6, 2007
- Author(s): Jack Santucci
- Categories: Middle East and Africa, Elections Worldwide
Ontario MMP video roundup
Pro-democracy leaders on Scotland's successful PR elections
- Posted: May 24, 2007
- Author(s): Jack Santucci
- Categories: Europe, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Elections Worldwide
Had Scotland used winner-take-all
Ontario will vote on MMP
The 2007 Northern Ireland elections: Proportional voting helps moderates
- Posted: March 21, 2007
- Author(s): Adam Bartolanzo
- Categories: Europe, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Elections Worldwide
Italy's coalition woes stem not from proportional voting
Fear, fact and fiction: Covering electoral reform in Ontario
- Posted: February 22, 2007
- Author(s): Jack Santucci
- Categories: Americas, Elections Worldwide
Top 10 quality of life countries use proportional voting
- Posted: November 29, 2006
- Author(s): Jack Santucci
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Elections Worldwide