Content Categorized with "Elections Worldwide"
101 - 110 of 150 results
UK European Elections: Would First-Past-the-Post Really be a Better Choice?
Fair Vote in Iran?
- Posted: June 15, 2009
- Author(s): Ali Meyer
- Categories: Middle East and Africa, Elections Worldwide
Nova Scotia Votes
Choice Voting, List Voting, and Piracy in Europe
- Posted: June 10, 2009
- Author(s): Forrest Barnum
- Categories: Europe, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Elections Worldwide
Trope's Truth Corner: Bent Ballot Blunder in British Election
When Voters go EUww: The European Parliament Elections
Will the British rank the vote? Burst of interest in IRV and PR across the pond
- Posted: May 31, 2009
- Author(s): Rob Richie
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Europe, National Popular Vote, Elections Worldwide
Final Push for Choice Voting (STV) in British Columbia
- Posted: May 8, 2009
- Author(s): Amy Ngai
- Categories: National Popular Vote, Americas, Elections Worldwide
Philippines to extend use of proportional representation
- Posted: May 5, 2009
- Author(s): Eve Robert
- Categories: Asia and Oceania, Elections Worldwide
British Columbians Get Ready to Vote on Choice Voting