Content Categorized with "Elections Worldwide"
1 - 10 of 150 results
The 2015 Turkish Election: A More Proportional Result than Usual
- Posted: June 26, 2015
- Categories: Europe, Home, International Elections, Elections Worldwide
The Turkish election in June 2015 was remarkable for many reasons. In this short piece, FairVote's Robert Buderi explores the ins and outs of the 2015 campaign and the operation of Turkey's party list proportional system. Buderi shows that a high national threshold in a proportional representation system tends to undermine the proportionality of election results and introduce some of the problems rife in winner-take-all plurality systems like the US and Britain.
Millions of 16- and 17 years olds vote in Brazilian Presidential Election, but no President Elected
- Posted: October 23, 2014
- Author(s): Mike MacNevin
- Categories: Americas, Presidential Elections, Home, Elections Worldwide
Brazilians flocked to the polls on October 5, 2014, to vote for their next president. Yet, after all the votes were counted, no one was elected. This blog entry briefly explores the use of runoff elections in Brazil before discussing the growing worldwide movement to repeat Brazil's enfranchisement of 16 and 17 year olds.
Strangeness of a One-Party Majority in New Zealand
- Posted: September 26, 2014
- Author(s): Sarah John
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Asia and Oceania, Home, Elections Worldwide
At the end of an unusual election campaign, New Zealand's Mixed-Member Proportional Representation (MMP) electoral system has delivered Kiwis a strong mandate for the current government, with the first time a single party has won a majority of seats since the nation replaced U.S.-style plurality voting elections with MMP in 1993. The election also demonstrated many of the advantages that such fair representation voting systems have over the single-member plurality systems so often used in American elections.
World Cup of Democracy Goes to the Netherlands
- Posted: July 8, 2014
- Author(s): Nicholas Golden, Bogdan Popescu, Anthony Ramicone
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, International Elections, Voter Turnout, Elections Worldwide
While the FIFA World Cup will decide the best soccer team in the world, the World Cup of Democracy will decide the best democracy in the world. See how the tournament played out after the jump.
Indian Election Results In BJP Victory, Disproportionality
- Posted: May 21, 2014
- Author(s): Anthony Ramicone
- Categories: Asia and Oceania, Home, International Elections, Elections Worldwide
In India's election of the 16th Lok Sabha, the BJP appeared to win a landslide victory, winning a majority of seats. In reality, India's winner-take-all system generated significant disproportionality, artificially inflating BJP's mandate.
South African Election Brings Another ANC Victory with Reservations
- Posted: May 20, 2014
- Author(s): Anthony Ramicone
- Categories: Middle East and Africa, Home, International Elections, Elections Worldwide
South Africa's fifth general election since the end of the apartheid era brought another victory for the ruling ANC, but their support has been wavering. The proportional representation system, originally advocated by Mandela, has brought proportional outcomes to South African elections.
Elections in India and Indonesia Highlight Differences Between Electoral Systems
- Posted: April 29, 2014
- Author(s): , Matthew Bugajski, Ben Petit, Kevin Werner
- Categories: Asia and Oceania, Home, International Elections, Elections Worldwide
India and Indonesia both held major elections this month. One country uses winner-take-all, the other proportional representation. That choice makes a difference.
Ranked Choice Voting Ensures Fair Representation in Tasmania
- Posted: March 20, 2014
- Author(s): Kevin Werner
- Categories: Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Asia and Oceania, Research & Analysis, Home, International Elections, Elections Worldwide
Tasmanian House of Assembly elections have been decided using ranked choice voting in multi-member districts for over 100 years. This year's contest once again demonstrated the value of such systems for ensuring fair representation for voters of all stripes, even as a significant shift in power occurred.
Upcoming Election in India May Signal Electoral Change
- Posted: February 13, 2014
- Author(s): Matthew Bugajski
- Categories: Asia and Oceania, Home, International Elections, Elections Worldwide
There’s an exciting national election coming up this year in India, but the nation's electoral system may not be suited to handle it.
New Constitutions Provide Opportunity for Electoral Change in Egypt, Tunisia
- Posted: January 21, 2014
- Author(s): Matthew Bugajski
- Categories: Middle East and Africa, International Elections, Home, Elections Worldwide
Egyptian voters approved a new constitution last week, and Tunisia's National Constituent Assembly is on the verge of passing a new constitution as well. What does that mean for elections in the two fledgling democracies?