Content Authored by Rob Richie
81 - 90 of 254 results
South Carolina Primary: One Candidate May Easily Win All Delegates
- Posted: January 20, 2012
- Author(s): Elise Helgesen, Rob Richie
- Categories: Home, Presidential Nominations Reform
South Carolina's primary is on the horizon. Though the state has not played by the rules - and has been penalized by the Republican National Committee - the primary promises to be an exciting one. South Carolina's system of delegate allocation may potentially award all of the state's delegates, as well as a much-needed upswing in momentum, to the winning candidate as the race continues on toward Florida.
The Role of Proportional Representation in the New Hampshire Primary
- Posted: January 10, 2012
- Author(s): Elise Helgesen, Rob Richie
- Categories: Home, Presidential Nominations Reform
Today New Hampshire will hold its primary. New Hampshire's 12 delegates are up for grabs. These delegates will be allocated proportionately, and not by a winner-take-all system of allocation.
Was the Iowa Caucuses' Real Winner Not in the Race?
- Posted: January 4, 2012
- Author(s): Rob Richie
- Categories: Reforms, Fair Voting/Proportional Representation, Home
Last night, as the numbers rolled in from Iowa, cable news shows pundits analyzed the numbers in almost every way humanly possible – with particular obsession with who was going to “win.” But the media just may have missed the biggest winner: a candidate who wasn’t seeking Iowa votes last night.
Understanding how the Iowa caucuses work — and don't work
- Posted: January 3, 2012
- Author(s): Rob Richie
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Home, Presidential Nominations Reform
The national media is in a frenzy about the Republican contest in tonight’s Iowa caucuses. Unfortunately, most journalists seem to be getting the story wrong – and a key reason is not understanding or even thinking about the rules and their implications.
Innovative Analysis in 2011: Seven Top Election Insights from the FairVote Blog
- Posted: December 29, 2011
- Author(s): Rob Richie
- Categories: Home
Reviewing all 121 entries posted on the blog this year was a reminder about how busy we've been -- and how insightful FairVote staff, colleagues and interns so often are. In this blog I zeroed in on seven insights you may have missed., with excerpts from seven important blogposts.
Response to "A rogue convention? How GOP party rules may surprise in 2012"
- Posted: December 1, 2011
- Author(s): Elise Helgesen, Rob Richie
- Categories: Home
Following up on our recent article in Politico, we share our thoughts about the 2012 Republican National Convention, a few points about Rule 38's unit rule and its implication on delegates' voting methods, and finally, our response to critics who say we have misinterpreted the rules.
Portland's Biggest Winner: Democracy with Ranked Choice Voting
- Posted: November 16, 2011
- Author(s): Rob Richie, Dorothy Scheeline
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Home
What shouldn’t be missed in the fray of post-election coverage in Maine is the glorious five minutes of pure democratic spirit that everyone experienced when the round-by-results results of the first ranked choice voting election for Portland's mayor were presented before everyone's eyes. In what other instance would you have every single candidate in the race, their supporters, the media, community members that were just curious, all in one room, waiting to hear the results? For those five minutes, there wasn't any politicking, just democracy in action.
Irish presidential election with instant runoff voting: Voter choice without "spoilers"
- Posted: November 6, 2011
- Author(s): Rob Richie
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting, Europe, Home, Elections Worldwide
Our political leaders are again rolling the dice with the American people. Rather than pursue statutory solutions to potential electoral landmines, they've left intact a set of electoral rules that aren’t designed for elections where voters have more than two choices. Ireland last month showcased a better way in its elections. As with all other well-established democracies with presidential elections, Ireland elects its president based on a national popular vote. It uses instant runoff voting to uphold the goal of majority rule.
Gallup Poll: National Popular Vote Favored by Majority
- Posted: October 26, 2011
- Author(s): Katie P. Kelly, Rob Richie
- Categories: National Popular Vote, Home
Latest poll on Electoral College versus a national popular vote from Gallup shows that Americans across the major political parties and age groups support a popular vote for president. It’s time to go with the people and support a national popular vote for president – making every vote equal and every vote count.
NPV Critic Response Series: The Electoral College
- Posted: October 6, 2011
- Author(s): Katie P. Kelly, Rob Richie
- Categories: National Popular Vote, Home
Critics of the National Popular Vote (NPV) plan often make misleading or misinformed remarks and judgments. To address these remarks, we are launching a new blog series designed to address the latest arguments from opponents. We start today by first reviewing some important features of the current Electoral College system and how those features influence our critique of current state laws governing modern elections. Subsequent posts will address arguments specifically and directly respond to new criticisms.