Content Authored by Right to Vote Blog
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Right to Vote Advocates Give Testimonies to US Senate Judiciary Committee
- Posted: September 8, 2011
- Author(s): Christina Grier, Right to Vote Blog
- Categories: Right to Vote Amendment, Home
On September 8, 2011, the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on state voting laws, in particular, laws that could be seen as suppressing voter turnout. Advocates spoke about why a right to vote is so necessary, and not simply amendments that prevent voters from discrimination.
Evolution of voting rights from 1789 to today must continue
- Posted: August 14, 2011
- Author(s): Jo McKeegan, Right to Vote Blog
- Categories: Right to Vote Amendment, Home
Often we sanctify the Founding Fathers and the Constitution that is the bedrock of our republic. But when it comes to voting rights, most of the founders were far off the mark from how we see the right to vote today. Consider the realities of the election of 1789, the first election of the new Congress. The overall number of people who were allowed to, and actually voted, was miniscule in state after state.
Voting Rights Constitutional Amendment Gathers Steam
- Posted: July 22, 2011
- Author(s): Jo McKeegan, Rob Richie, Right to Vote Blog
- Categories: Right to Vote Amendment, Home, FairVote
Nothing is more fundamental to democracy that a fully protected right to vote. That’s why it belongs in the U.S. Constitution.
That's why we so pleased to share good news. Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. has introduced HJR 28, the Right to Vote amendment. If you want to support HJR 28, you can take action today. Without such a right specifically enumerated in our Constitution, our fundamental voting rights are at risk.
The Right to Vote Blog: Put more money into politics?
- Posted: June 1, 2011
- Author(s): Jo McKeegan, Right to Vote Blog
- Categories: Right to Vote Amendment, Home, FairVote
“Let’s put more money into politics!” is a rallying cry that won’t win over too many supporters.
RTV: Money doesn't grow on trees
- Posted: May 4, 2011
- Author(s): , Jo McKeegan, Right to Vote Blog
- Categories: Right to Vote Amendment, Home
Recently, several states have backed policies that likely will disenfranchise large numbers of their citizens in the name of reducing the deficit and becoming more efficient; policies involving filling vacancies, and maintaining voter rolls.
Richie's May 3rd Democracy Minute
- Posted: May 3, 2011
- Author(s): , Rob Richie, Tom Sanchez, Right to Vote Blog
- Categories: FairVote, Richie's Democracy Minute
Richie's Democracy Minute for May 3rd looks at news from Canada's federal election, the upcoming alternative vote referendum in the United Kingdom, recounts and redistricting.
Voting: A Right, A Privilege, or A Responsibility?
- Posted: April 20, 2011
- Author(s): Dean Searcy, Right to Vote Blog
- Categories: Right to Vote Amendment, Home, FairVote
When Americans talk about their democracy, they typically emphasize the importance of the right to vote. But the fact is that, unlike other democratic rights protected in the First Amendment, voting rights do not have clear constitutional protections. State legislatures have the right to appoint electors in presidential races without holding elections, for example, and states can enact a variety of policies that directly or indirectly infringe on suffrage rights. While strengthening voting rights in the Constitution would seem like a logical step, there's a potential political barrier: confusion about the meaning of "right."
The Right to Vote: The case of the people of our nation's capital
- Posted: April 14, 2011
- Author(s): , Jo McKeegan, Right to Vote Blog
- Categories: D.C. Voting Rights, Right to Vote Amendment, Home, FairVote
Although the District has a delegate in the U.S. House (Eleanor Holmes Norton) who can propose legislation and serve on committee, she does not have voting rights in Congress. The District lacks even a delegate in the U.S. Senate, even though Congress can veto any bill passed by the District and often considers “riders’ on bills that would change laws governing the residents of the District – a classic case of “taxation without representation.”
The Constitutional Right to Vote Blog: Assumptions
- Posted: March 21, 2011
- Author(s): , Jo McKeegan, Right to Vote Blog
- Categories: Right to Vote Amendment, Home, FairVote
You’ve heard the assumptions: Young people vote Democratic. So do unmarried women, African Americans, city-dwellers and people with felony convictions. Church-goers vote Republican, as do rich people, small business owners and soldiers. If you somehow fit into categories from each group, who knows, you may be a Libertarian or Green.
The Right to Vote Blog: The Root Cause of Maryland Voter Registration Failures
- Posted: March 4, 2011
- Author(s): , Jo McKeegan, Right to Vote Blog
- Categories: Right to Vote Amendment, Universal Voter Registration, Home
What if you thought you had gone through the process of making sure you could vote, but later were denied the chance to do so on Election Day?