Content Authored by Katherine Sicienski
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Bipartisan Over-Attention to Battleground States
- Posted: July 11, 2011
- Author(s): Katherine Sicienski
- Categories: Presidential Tracker, National Popular Vote
FairVote has recently blogged about the disproportionate attention that battleground states have received from President Barack Obama since his inauguration. But political calculation is thoroughly bipartisan. Witness how the Republican National Committee (RNC) is engaging in similar inequitable practices.
Presidential Tracker: Following the Money...For Now
- Posted: June 28, 2011
- Author(s): Katherine Sicienski, Presidential Tracker
- Categories: Presidential Tracker, National Popular Vote
On Thursday, June 23rd, President Obama visited both Fort Drum and New York City and held a total of five events. According to the Washington Post, the three events in New York City were all Democratic National Committee fundraisers. Since his election, the President has attended a total of 59 fundraisers, 12 of which have been in New York. In fact, 50 of the president's 59 fundraisers as president have been in the ten states that donated the most money to Presidential campaigns in 2008.
Presidential Visits: A Return to Ohio and the Influence of the Electoral System on Presidential Attention
- Posted: June 15, 2011
- Author(s): Katherine Sicienski
- Categories: Presidential Tracker, National Popular Vote
On Friday, June 3rd, President Barack Obama delivered remarks at the Chrysler Group Supplier Park in Toledo, Ohio. This was his 22nd event in the state of Ohio since assuming the presidency. Yet since his inauguration in 2009, the President has yet to hold a single event in ten states: South Carolina, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, Utah, Nebraska, Idaho, North Dakota, South Dakota, or Vermont.
The New York 26th District Special Election: The Spoiler Effect in Action
- Posted: June 13, 2011
- Author(s): The Non-Majority Rule Desk, Katherine Sicienski
- Categories: Ranked Choice Voting
As debate subsides on the impact of the recent special election in New York's 26th congressional district, it's time to step back and examine more fundamental dilemmas within the election process as revealed by this election.